Saturday, March 3, 2012

Action: Water polo

"Goal Hopping" to get rid of the nerves before state playoffs.

  The whole team at Park Rose

Before our victory slide:)

Water polo was quite an experience. Since I swam for many years, it sounded reasonable that I should be able to play. However, I soon learned that the sport was way more challenging then I had expected. I have no natural hand-eye coordination, and my aim is atrocious. I had to learn how to throw correctly, how to catch, all while trying to eggbeater to keep myself above water. It was quite interesting, especially my first couple of days. I was very timid at first; but I soon found out that timid and water polo do not go together. Our team was very fun; everyone was always encouraging and enthusiastic. When we had disagreements, we learned to work them out. Since the sport in our area is fairly new and not very well established, we played teams of all skill levels and attitudes; some were very cordial, while other teams were so vicious the game ended with several injuries. It taught me how to be tough and a good sport at the same time; just like IB, finding that balance was essential.

Action: Swimming

What an amazing season. With our new coach Tamas, and Elizabeth returning, we had a better team then ever. We started doing dry land this year. It was tough sometimes, especially during Christmas break and days off of school, as we'd have to be there at 6:00 in the morning, sometimes with snow falling outside. Through every practice though, our team was unified. Everyone was so dedicated; it made me realize how much having others supporting you and encouraging you can add to an experience. The end of the season was bittersweet; it was hard to know that I was racing my last high school race. I've been competing with some of these people for a decade, and it was hard to know it's over. But at the same time, the past two seasons have yeilded some of the best times of my life. This was the best part of my high school experience. It taught me how important setting new goals for yourself can be, and how stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone can lead you somewhere you would never expected to go, but impacted your life positively.